Kitchen & Bath Design News - February 2015, ●●●CZASOPISMA●●●

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//-->14SARAH REEP|20JAMIE GOLDThe leading business, design and productresource for the kitchen & bath trade2/15Industry Profile|18EngagementDrives Super-SizedPIRCH ShowroomProduct Trend Report|42Sinks & FaucetsBoast Organic Lines,Warm FinishesPortfolio of Countertops|22CREATIVE PROJECTSSHOWCASE MATERIAL CHARMS2015DIRECTORYOF|KitchenBathDesign.comDEKTON oers unprecedented performance and designideal for outdoor kitchens, walls, and ooring.DEKTON IS UNLIMITED.WYEARSOutdoor spaces are meant to be open, free, stimulating and limitless.DEKTON is a surface that perfectly compliments outdoorliving like no other.25ARRANTYWWW.DEKTON.COMCircle No.1on Product CardIn this issue{Volume 33, Number 2, February 2015}FeaturesON THE COVER2626|Guide to Surfacing ManufacturersManufacturers DeliverSurfaces with Style2222|Portfolio of CountertopsFrom laminate and natural stone to composite and tiles,our annual ‘Guide to Surfacing Manufacturers’ providesa look at some of the leading surface manufacturers’current activity and product lines.Cool Countertop DesignUnique materials, applications and color combinations createcool countertop designs with an artistic twist.18Departments5| Editorial18| Industry Profle20|Trend Spotting46|New Products47|Product & LiteratureShowcase48|ClassifedAdvertising48|Advertiser Index6| Market Pulse8| Barometers9| Consumer BuyingTrends10| Industry Update16|Project CaseStudy3838|Bath Storage4242|Product Trend ReportSavvy Storage Flawless Function,Bath designers charged withPersonalized Stylecreating smart and stylishstorage spaces for the bath facea wide array of challenges, buta wider set of solutions to keepthe clutter corralled.Kitchen sinks and faucets are showcasing organiclines, durable performance, warmer fnishes and ahost of stylish matching accessories to make prepand cleanup more efcient.Column14|Inside Today’s Showroomby Sarah Reep, ASID, IIDA, CMKBD, CAPS, CMGFebruary 2015 | |3Photo: Glass Recycled SurfacesPhoto: Eden MosaicPhoto: CarvartBold issimple stylefrom startto nish.Crafted from over 80% recycled materials,theWhitehaven™enameled cast-iron sinkis a simple way to bring farmhouse styleinto the kitchen. And it seamlessly ts anystandard cabinetry for a beautiful nish, too.See the© 2014 Kohler Co.Circle No.2on Product CardEditorial{Janice $osta, editor}®Great Products & Design:More Than Skin DeepWhile dramatic appeal is often seen as an essential elementto great products and designs, it’s equally important tounderstand the value of what’s beneath the surface.PublisherPaul DeGrandisPublisher EmeritusEliot SefrinEditorJanice Anne CostaManaging EditorAnita ShawSenior EditorAndrea GirolamoAt last month’s Kitch-en & Bath IndustryShow, many thingsjumped out at me. One ofthem even did so literally– in the form of an exuber-ant service-dog-in-trainingpuppy, whose organizationhad been invited to be onsite at one of the exhibitorbooths as part of a market-ing strategy/charitable efortthat drew show foor trafcwhile raising money for ser-vice dogs.The company donated $5for each person who posted a“selfe” with one of the servicedogs on social media, includ-ing a hashtag and the frm’sname. Not surprisingly, thebooth not only got plenty ofsocial media hits, but also ahuge amount of trafc fromshow attendees looking totake a “puppy break” duringthe busy show. While waitingfor their “puppy turn,” deal-ers and designers checkedout the displays, picked upliterature and spent timewith the company reps. Thisclever marketing efort wonplaudits (paw-dits?) both forits charitable aspects andfor its creative use of socialmedia (not to mention the ir-resistible appeal of a bunchof cute puppies!).As an industry that thriveson aesthetics, it’s not surpris-ing that we gravitate towardthings that jump out at us– whether that’s a puppy,a striking Marsala-coloredwine unit, a blown-glass sinkthat would look perfectly athome in an art museum, anappliance that makes Jetsons-style connections with theowner’s smart phone or bathventilation that plays the us-er’s favorite tunes(see relatedTrend Spotting, Page 20).Li kew ise, a g row i ngeconomy has unleashed aplethora of exciting newsurfacing options with jump-out-at-you appeal(see relatedstory, Page 22 and Guide toSurfacing Manufacturers,continues to inspire today’skitchen and bath showrooms,beginning with the “virtual”first impression, and con-tinuing on to the in-storeexperience. Even with manyshowrooms opting to movetoward a smaller physicalfootprint, it’s important to of-fer a rich physical experiencethat combines sensory appeal,fexible designs, live displaysand plenty of opportunitiesfor engagement, relates SarahReep in this month’sInsideToday’s Showroomcolumn(see story, Page 14).than the sum of its parts(seerelated story, Page 38), thehidden outlet that createsan instant charging stationin the kitchen, the cleverlydesigned island that hides asleeping and feeding stationfor the beloved family pet.And often, it’s all of the littlefunctional details that take apretty space and transform itinto one that feels and func-tions like a home.Those who attended thisyear’s KBIS will fnd plenty ofgreat takeaways – andKBDNwill explore these in evenGroup Editorial DirectorPatrick O’TooleContributing WritersKim BerndtsonJoe DowdJamie Gold, CKD, CAPSElizabeth RichardsDenise VermeulenColumnistsEllen Cheever, CMKBD, ASID,CAPSHank DarlingtonLeslie HartBruce Kelleran, CKD, CPAStephen NichollsKen Peterson, CKDMary Jo Peterson, CKD, CBD,CAPSSarah Reep, CMKBD, ASID, CMG,CAPS, IIDABryan Reiss, CMKBDEric Schimelpfenig, AKBDCreative Director& Production ManagerTracy HeggEditor, ForResidentialPros.comAndrea GirolamoCirculation ManagerMike SerinoReader Service ManagerJeff HeineOperations ManagerMarie Snow“As an industry that thrives on aesthetics, we gravitatetoward things that jump out at us – whether a strikingMarsala-colored wine unit, an art-museum-qualityblown-glass sink or an appliance that makes Jetsons-style connections with the owner’s smart phone.”Page 26). These include awealth of mix-and-match,colors, patterns and designsthat run the gamut from cooland sophisticated to retro tomulti-dimensional nature-inspired offerings w it hmetallic accents and under-lighting – perfect for creatinga dramatic focal point for thekitchen.The same kind of dramaticappeal that was evident at somany of the booths at KBISAnd some companiesare taking a larger-than-lifeapproach to creating that‘experiential’ showroom, asseen in this month’s IndustryProfle(see story, Page 18).But not all of the coolestthings are of the dramatic, “inyour face” variety.Truly inspired kitchen andbath design often hangs onthe hidden gems – the care-fully integrated storage thatmakes a small bath greatergreater depth in next month’spost-show issue. But one ofthe most important is that,while great products, designsand ideas may initially jumpout at you with the enthusi-asm of an exuberant puppy,it’s equally important to un-derstand the value of what’sbeneath the © 2015 bySOLA Group Inc. All rights reserved.No part of this magazine may beproduced in any form, includingelectronically, without writtenpermission from the publisher ofKitchen & Bath Design News.February 2015 | |5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
